Friday, May 25, 2007

Second MT

Finally I finished this second MT, a center piece ... perfect for my new house he..he..he..

Thank you to Thata for the pattern, can wait to continue to next mistery.

Monday, May 21, 2007


Next June we'll be 2 years here in Kuala Lumpur, so we decided to find a new home. Living in apartement was Ok, it's an easy living, especially living in our previous aparment. But we need more space for the children so they can playing outdoor, cycling, playing football etc.

And we find this house, big enough for us, with 5 bedroom and 4 bathroom, store, and the most important thing is it has a yard. This is like a townhouse concept with only one gate to enter and exit this housing complex. I like it.

So come and see our new house....

My always messy livingroom, my boy's toys everywhere.... do you see the blue bench on the sofa...???

Another livingroom, for the guest I think....

The dining table, but the boys love to do their homework here instead of in their room upstair.

The kitchen, i am not so happy with this kitchen. The landlord doesn't provide what I want to. Only a small oven toaster whish is too small for me, a microwave ( this is Ok but still our previous one was bigger), one refrigerator is not enough for us since I used to have stockfood for a week, the landlord promised to give us another refridge. And I miss my big oven in Regency Tower. Well...can't say anything more........

And we have this swing...!!!
OK, whenever you are in KL just give me a call....

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Fair Isle ...again...

I love patchwork and quilting, and now I start to love knitting as well.

My other knitting millist plan to write a book, a knitting and crochet book. We, as member was encouraged to contribute our original design for this book.

Since I love patchwork I plan to make a patchwork design for this knitting book project.
I choose bargello, with six different colours.

But I find a problem when I have to change so many colours in a row. Technically, it's just a simple fair isle, but with so many colour it make me a bit worry.

And I ask my friend in milist, here is one of their suggestion (sorry to write it in Indonesian ) :

.....Sebenernya ada cara gampang agar benang yang banyak digunakan secara bergantian tidak mbulet (terjalin secara ruwet satu sama lain..). tanpa perlu membuat masing masing kolom warna baru kemudian digabung menjadi satu…

Caranya adalah dengan menggunakan bantuan jari telunjuk dan jari tengah, masing masing benang tersebut digulung secara silang (membentuk angka 8) di jari telunjuk dan jari tengah, mulai dari benang yang dekat dengan bidang kerja kita sampai ke ujung benang yang bebas… setelah sampe di akhir (ujung) benang diikat secara longgar di tengah tengah jalinan angka 8 tadi (asal nggak lepas ajah)… jadinya seperti kupu kupu deh…, nah kita dapat melanjutkan merajut lagi tuh…

saat benang tersebut digunakan dalam merajut, benang akan terulur sendiri (mudah lepas dari jalinan angka 8 nya), istilahnyanya ‘mrubut’ dari bagian tengah (ikatan) dan dapat dirajut tanpa benang menjadi terjalin satu sama lainnya berapapun banyaknya sumber benang yang kita gunakan.

Masing masing gulungan benang tidak akan tertaut satu sama lainnya.. kemanapun kita bawa goyang goyang juga gak akan tertaut seperti kalo kita biarkan berada dalam gulungan aslinya yang panjang panjang/besar besar....

And I do as she suggest, I make a small bundle of each yarn using my pointing finger and middle finger.

It's work....!!!

Thank you Safrida...

I hope I can finish it before the deadline.

Mistery Thread

My crochet milist own by Thata, have a game, it's a crochet mistery to be solved.
It's interesting... she gave us the clue, usually it's about 3 to 4 row each. We, Indonesian are not familiar with word pattern, we used to follow picture pattern like japanese or chinese.

So this mistery thread is our challenge.

This is the first mistery I solved.

I am doing the second mistery thread now... hope I can solve it as well....

If you want to joint us just click the site above and subsribe to the group.


Look at these colours....

What's your favorite colour ??